- Hell, The Fall Will Kill Ya
- My Lords, you can’t please the entertainment industry and sustain privacy
- Why DRM doesn’t work…
- Happy Birthday!
- Absolut sehenswert: Peter Kruse erklärt das Internet
- Wie schaffen wir die Vorratsdatenspeicherung in der EU ab?
- With 100 Million Comments, Topix Has Quietly Become The Local Watering Hole
- Netbook OS Maker Jolicloud Switches From Mozilla Prism To Chrome For Web Apps
- Socialtext 4.0 Adds Groups, Channels
- Google Index to Go Real Time
- Introducing WordPress.com User Accounts & Auto-Login to IntenseDebate
- Stop What You Are Doing & Install This Plug-In: Rapportive
- Facebook Will Be Worth $35 Billion To $40 Billion When It Goes Public Next Year, Investors Predict
- Two New Surveys Validate Companies Adoption of Social Media
- Google Wave May Finally Tread Water With Email Notifications
- YouTube Rolls Out Auto-Captioning for All Videos
- Google Apps Now Disaster Proof
- Setup your own Proxy Server in 5 Minutes for Free
- Frank Schirrmachers Geist auf der Reise durch die Jahrhunderte
- Panels
– „Ich möchte Rivva gerne weiterentwickeln und weitere Server / Compute Capacity anschaffen, benötige dazu allerdings Unterstützung. Deshalb führt Rivva heute Sponsor Posts ein.“
Nachträglich auch von hier alles Gute! Rivva ist eines der wenigen Glanzlichter im deutschen Web. Mögen die Corporate Blogs für die Sponsorposts Schlange stehen.
– „n fact, Topix is the number one result for a ton of small towns across the country. That’s what happens when you’ve been aggregating local news for six years.“
Warum gibt es so etwas nicht in Deutschland?
– „Jolicloud says the reasons for the switch, which was decided upon after evaluation of “different technologies and opportunities”, were Chrome’s speed (courtesy of its V8 JavaScript Engine), better memory usage, support for multiple authentication technologies right out the gate (Facebook Connect, Twitter Connect, etc.) and enhanced HTML5 and Web sockets support, among others.“
– „Particularly useful is a new feature called “Collaborative Groups.” Using it, anyone can create a group on the fly, and each group comes complete with a group home page, an activity stream that shows group updates, a dedicated microblogging channel and one or more workspaces — ideal for creating a quick collaborative space for an ad hoc team to work on a specific project.“
– ReadWriteWeb geht nochmal im Detail auf die Bedeutung der künftigen Echtzeit-Unterstützung des Google-Indexes via PubSubHubbub ein, über das ich gestern hier schrieb: http://neunetz.wpengine.com/2010/03/04/bald-kann-jeder-mit-pubsubhubbub-inhalte-in-echtzeit-an-google-pushen/
– “ Now WordPress.com users can comment on IntenseDebate-enabled websites anywhere on the Web without having to re-enter their account information.“
– „Cambridge UK startup Rapportive has released a Firefox and Chrome extension that will replace the ads in your Gmail with photos, biographic data and social media links, including a live display of recent Tweets, for whoever you’re corresponding with by email. It’s fantastic and takes about 2 minutes to set up.“
– „As the WSJ reported in a big page one story today, Facebook will probably go public in 2011, once it’s had a year of $1+ billion in sales behind it. (The company expects to do between $1.2 billion and $2 billion in sales this year.)“
– „Wave is finally turning on email notifications to alert you about new and updated waves. From the Inbox menu, simply select the new “Notifications” option to set how often (if at all) you’d like to receive them. “
Endlich. Rückwärtskompatibilität.
– „The reason that Google can offer these services for free is because the tech giant already operates large data centers simultaneously for millions of users and also balances loads between data centers as needed. Google also claims that its high speed connections between data centers allows the company to replicate and transfer large amounts of data quickly from one server to another.“
Googles gigantische Datencenter werden zur Markteintrittsbarriere par excellence.
– „Here’s one such proxy site that you can build for your friends in China or even for your personal use (say for accessing blocked sites from office). This is created using Google App Engine and, contrary to what you assume, the process is quite simple.“
– „Die Geschichte wiederholt sich immer wieder.“ In der Tat..
– „Panels rarely turn into interesting discussions. If you want an interesting discussion, have someone good do an on-stage interview.“ Stimmt.
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