- Home Cooking Is Killing The Restaurant Industry!
- Five Best VPN Tools [Hive Five]
- News is a lousy business for Google too
- „pick up a phone“
- How to Run a Profitable Freelance Business Through Your Blog
- Curation’s Growing Value
- The Database of Intentions Is Far Larger Than I Thought
- Losing Andrew Carnegie
- Etacts: OAuth for Gmail is live and we’re using it
- Die Leute sind nicht dumm genug für DRM…
– „Notice there aren’t any ads on the page. This is because ads for “afghanistan war” generate such low revenues per query that Google doesn’t think it’s worth hurting the user experience with a cluttered page. Google can afford to do this on news queries (along with many other categories of queries) because their real business is selling ads on queries where the user likely has purchasing intent. Big money-making categories include travel, consumer electronics and malpractice lawyers. News queries are loss leaders.“
– „No longer is our problem lack of information; it’s that we’re drowning in information. That’s why curation is so important. Trusted curators who point us to the most valuable sources of information for our interests will become the new power brokers.“
– „My mistake in 2003 was to assume that the entire Database of Intentions was created through our interactions with traditional web search. I no longer believe this to be true. In the past five or so years, we’ve seen „eruptions“ of entirely new fields, each of which, I believe, represent equally powerful signals – oxygen flows around which massive ecosystems are already developing.“
– „It turns out that success is coming from the atypical organizations, the ones that can get back to embracing irreplaceable people, the linchpins, the ones that make a difference. Anything else can be replicated cheaper by someone else.“
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