Sahil Lavingia, Designer im Gründungsteam von Pinterest, über die Bedeutung von Design:
Design is shrinking the gap between what a product does and why it exists. Designing is not just about picking the right font or gradient. Stop thinking about design in terms of wire frames or visual style; it is about the product as a whole. Designing is figuring out the purpose of your product and how you orient everything else around it. And that means that everyone within a company plays a role in the design process. And that means that everyone in a company needs to learn design literacy.
Das einzige Unternehmen im Computerhardware/Konsumentenelektronik-Bereich, bei dem die Bedeutung von Design als Wesen des Produkts quasi der zentrale Baustein der Unternehmenskultur ist, ist gleichzeitig heute das wertvollste Unternehmen der Welt: Apple. Zufall ist das nicht. (Es ist auch nicht der einzige Grund für den Erfolg, aber einer der wichtigsten.)
Lavingia über die Entscheidung, für das Erstellen neuer Accounts auf Pinterest auf Facebook und Twitter zu setzen:
At Pinterest, we required every new account to be set up and connected with either Facebook or Twitter. We made a concerted design decision to do so. We know that Twitter and Facebook can do something that we can’t do as well, and we realize that our focus on what we are good at is just as important. Now, we don’t have to worry about a traditional sign-up process or a user ever starting with zero friends. It allows us to spend more of our time and mind-share on our own (unique!) design problems and solutions.
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