Die Europäische Bürgerrechtsvereinigung EDRi und AccessNow haben interne Notizen der Europäischen Kommission zu den ACTA-Verhandlungen zugespielt bekommen und konnten anhand dessen offenlegen, wie schlecht die Kommission die europäische Position vertreten hat.
“From the earliest stages, the Commission made weak and unsuccessful efforts to have a transparent process,” EDRi reports. “The EU ultimately agreed to work to keep all versions away from the public.”
The documents also show that the Commission failed to handle the United States effectively, having agreed to be bound by a confidentiality agreement that created a huge advantage for the US.
“Specifically, [the agreement] permitted the US to show ACTA documents to ‘selected stakeholders’ under non-disclosure agreements while the EU had no equivalent mechanism, thereby giving a big advantage to the stakeholders selected by the US authorities,” EDRi add.
Außerdem: netzpolitik.org: Abstimmungen im EU-Parlament: ACTA stoppen, jetzt aktiv werden!