Für den Fall, dass manch einer sich noch gewundert, warum Streaming-Dienste wie Spotify, MOG und Rdio sofort an Facebooks Open-Graph-Erweiterung, die an Last.fms Scrobbling erinnert, angedockt sind:
MOG’s Facebook users grow by 246% after its social integration | VentureBeat:
MOG said registrations through its Facebook app reached 160,000 users for the month of October, which is a 246% jump of monthly average users. MOG CEO and founder David Hyman told VentureBeat that integrating with Facebook has been the best method of distribution the company has ever had.
MOG plant, weitere Anreize für stärke Verbreitung über Facebook zu schaffen:
Hyman said the next step is encouraging and incentivizing its Facebook Connect users to share more music on Facebook and get more Facebook friends to give MOG a try. MOG currently has a free version where users have a “gas tank” of free music but can get more gas in the tank by sharing MOG and music with friends.
Wir hatten uns hier bereits ein wenig mit den sich neu ergebenden Möglichkeiten mit Facebook beschäftigt: