- Every time an engineer joins Google, a startup dies
- "Whenever I see a brilliant kid decide to join Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, or Google, I think to myself: a startup just died, and as a result our world is a little less wealthy, innovative, and interesting." - How Can The Music Industry Be Dead When More Music Is Being Produced And More Money Is Being Made?
- Mobile Apps for WordPress
- " In just the past week, WordPress apps for Android and BlackBerry made their official debuts, and the iPhone app reached version 2.2." - Frankreich bekommt Internetsperren
- "ISPs werden dazu verpflichtet, Internetseiten mit kinderpornographischen Inhalten zu sperren. Eine entsprechende Liste wird von der französischen Verwaltung erstellt. Eine richterliche Kontrolle findet nicht statt." - Music Site Uses YouTube API - Causes Record Labels to Pull Videos
- "The arguably bigger issue here is that legal side of using and providing APIs is often not a simple thing, particularly in the world of copyrighted content."
What a mess. - AdSense: Anzeigen auf Basis von Suchanfragen
- MySpace, R.I.P
- "What the company needed was radical transformation – what it got was infighting, politicking and constant contraction. " - Dropbox Extension Puts One-Click Access to Your Dropbox Files in Chrome [Downloads]