- Why I’m Slowly Starting to Love My Google Nexus One
- " It’s not so much a phone as it is a portable cloud client. The one nice thing about the deep integration between the device and Google services, though, is you no longer have what I call “sync anxiety” – the fear that something you do on your mobile device won’t end up showing up in the other places where you want it to appear. With the Nexus One you’re basically operating on the live data – the concept of syncing isn’t really so relevant." - 31 Interesting Social Media Data Visualization Tools
- H.264 für weitere 7 Jahre kostenlos
- Facebook Groups und Facebook Pages im Vergleich
- Wikileaks Raises Enough to Keep the Lights On
- "Wikileaks, a non-profit agency that exposes government and corporate secrets by publishing documents through its web site, said on Twitter that it’s managed to raise enough money to continue operating, but not enough to pay its staff. " - Nokia Maps – the Empire strikes back
- "Am gestrigen Mittwoch hat Nokia einen durchschlagenden Erfolg für seine OVI Maps verkündet: 1,4 Millionen Downloads in den knapp 2 Wochen seit Ankündigung der kostenfreien Variante des Dienstes; 1 weiterer Download jede Sekunde. 20 Prozent der Downloads kommen aus China." - Promiscuous Developers Want Downloads Not Dollars
- Did The Recording Industry Really Miss The Opportunity To 'Monetize' Online Music?
- Missglückte Integration: Kehren viele Kunden DoubleClick den Rücken?
- The world needs another blog post about the iPad
- Is Facebook becoming a portal? Now 4th largest source of traffic to news sites
- Facebook Has All The News That’s Fit to Share