- Feedtrace: Personalized Link Aggregation for Twitter
- "You can also restrict Feedtrace to look just at a single website, to see what people are talking about the most. This can be a great tool, not only to quickly skim for what people really like right now on a website, but if you have a website yourself, it's another way of measuring your own success." - 10 More Sites for Free and Legal Torrents
- No, Copyright Has Never Been About Protecting Labor
- "Every time someone claims "piracy is stealing" it suddenly becomes that much more difficult to take them seriously, because it shows they've put no thought into their argument and are parroting specious arguments that have nothing to do with reality. Stealing means taking something away. Making a copy of something means there's two such things, not one, and nothing is missing." - Microsoft Stops Selling Display Ads On Facebook—But Expands Search Deal
- EMI faktisch pleite – Warner Music in roten Zahlen
- Why Geolocation Services Are Exciting For Poets, Musicians, Educators & Comedians
- Schweden ignoriert Vorratsdatenspeicherung
- Illegal ist das Mittel meiner Wahl.
- Royalty Deadline for H.264 Extended, But It’s Still Bad for the Web
- "At least part of the reason Mozilla and Opera refuse to support H.264 is the licensing fee necessary for software that decodes H.264. While both companies can likely afford it, smaller players can’t. For example, if you want to distribute your own version of Firefox, or simply create something totally new — some next-generation web browser or add-on based on Mozilla code — again, get ready to pony up the licensing fees if you plan to support H.264." - Qype-Gründer Uhrenbacher startet den Avocado Store – einen Internet-Marktplatz für nachhaltige Produkte
- Der virale Faktor.
- Sehenswerter Vortrag von Martin Oetting auf den Live Shopping Days 2010 über Viralität.