RootMusic, Entwickler der Musiker-Facebookapp BandPage, haben vor einigen Tagen in einer Finanzierungsrunde 2,3 Millionen US-Dollar erhalten:
the company provides cheap and powerful tools for helping artists promote their music on Facebook. Since August, BandPage has exploded in popularity, jumping from 3.15 million MAU and 20,000 artists to 12.7 million MAU and 60,000 artists today according to AppData.
While Sider declined specifics, he said well over 5% of these musicians have converted into BandPage Plus customers who pay $1.99 a month for more customization options, besting the traditional freemium model goal.
(MAU=Monthly Active Users)
BandPage unterstützt auch SoundCloud als Quelle der Songs:
You can upload all your songs to the SoundCloud music player, post your upcoming shows, add videos, link to your Twitter and blog, and more. Facebook Connect automatically pulls in your photos, bio, band name and more.