Filesharing ist laut einer Studie in den USA dank Netflix, Spotify und co. von 31 Prozent 2008 auf zehn Prozent des Netzverkehrs gesunken.
Sandvine noted that file-swapping now accounts for less than 10 percent of all internet traffic in the US, down from 31% in 2008. In 2004, file-sharing hogged more than 70 percent of total internet bandwidth. ”As observed in previous reports, BitTorrent continues to lose share and now accounts for just 7.4% of traffic during peak period and file-sharing as a whole now accounts for less than 10% of total daily traffic,” the report noted.
“This demonstrates a sharp decline in share. Long are the days when file-sharing accounted for over 31% total daily traffic, as we had revealed in our 2008 report.”
Die Zunahme attraktiv bepreister legaler Dienste scheint also die illegale Verbreitung bestimmter Inhalte einzudämmen.… Weiterlesen