Der Open-Source-Ansatz von webOS scheint recht gut aufgesetzt zu sein und ist laut Ars Technica offener* als der von Android:
… WeiterlesenIn terms of code availability and transparent development, the existing components of Open webOS are already more open than the AOSP [Android open source project]. Of course, there is still a lot more code to open. If HP follows through with its plan and brings more community members in on equal footing in both the PMCs and the committer pool, they can also achieve for Open webOS a much more inclusive and participatory development environment than the one that exists around the AOSP.
Another great aspect of the Open webOS development model is that the individual subprojects have been established with a broader mandate than merely perpetuating the webOS platform. Enyo and Isis, two key components of webOS that have already been opened, are being designed with portability in mind so that the projects will have broader applicability and can potentially be used in many other kinds of environments.