Gute Übersicht über die Herangehensweise bei Ford, um herauszufinden, wie genau der Autohersteller künftig Geld mit selbstfahrenden Vehikeln verdienen kann. Axios:
- Ford invested $1 billion in Argo AI, a tiny Pittsburgh-based artificial intelligence company with a handful of employees in February 2017.
- It offered lucrative stakes in the company to lure talent from Uber, Apple and Waymo, among others.
- Including Argo AI, Ford now has more than 800 people working on autonomous technology.
- The carmaker recently carved out its AV project as a separate business, to accelerate development and attract investors.
- The company expects to invest $4 billion in its AV efforts through 2023.
Technologie ist eine Sache, das Geschäftsmodell eine andere.
- [Ford CEO Jim Hackett] says automated goods delivery has as much promise as driverless taxis. With its partners' insights, Ford is designing a purpose-built autonomous vehicle it will introduce in 2021. […]
The details:
- Ford is studying ride-hailing patterns with its partner, Lyft, to identify spikes in demand.
- During slower times, it looks to deploy vehicles for other purposes, like delivering flowers or dry cleaning for local businesses.
- In Miami, Ford is testing automated pizza delivery with Domino’s, and robot package delivery with Postmates.
Es ergibt Sinn, Ford diesbezüglich genauer im Auge zu behalten.
Neben der einen Milliarde $, die Ford in Argo AI investieren will, verkündete der US-Hersteller im Sommer diesen Jahres, bis 2023 weitere drei Milliarden $ in seine AV-Einheit zu investieren.