Soll noch mal jemand sagen, man könne als Kreativer kein Geld im Internet verdienen:
Amanda Hocking is 27 years old. She has 9 self-published books to her name, and sells 100,000+ copies of those ebooks per month. She has never been traditionally published. This is her blog. And it’s no stretch to say – at $3 per book*/70% per sale for the Kindle store – that she makes a lot of money from her monthly book sales.
Ebenfalls interessant ist die Tatsache, dass Amanda Hocking auf diese Art Konditionen erhält, die ihr kein Verlag bieten kann:
a publisher on the private Reading2.0 mailing list has said, to effect: there is no traditional publisher in the world right now that can offer Amanda Hocking terms that are better than what she’s currently getting, right now on the Kindle store, all on her own.
Die 26jährige veröffentlicht in ihrem Blog einige weitere, teilweise korrigierende Angaben (wie zum Beispiel, dass sie 26 und nicht 27 ist):
# All of my published full-length novels are available in both ebook and paperback.
# Three of my full length novels are priced at $.99 in ebook, and my novella is priced at $.99. The other five books are priced at $2.99. All my paperbacks are priced at $8.99 and $9.99.
# I was never traditionally published. I still have not been traditionally published.
# I first published two books in April 15, 2010. Since then, I've sold over 900,000 copies of over nine different books.