Google nutzt Android, um Konkurrenten auszuschalten:
In short, Skyhook says that Google effectively forced Motorola to cancel a deal with Skyhook in which Skyhook would have provided location-based services in Motorola phones -- because Google wanted Motorola to use Google's own location services instead.
Google's leverage was threatening to withhold certification of Motorola's Google Android-based phone, according to Skyhook CEO Ted Morgan, which would have prevented Motorola from selling it.
Business Insider fasst die Doppelmoral von Google gut zusammen:
Also, most companies don't have mantras like "don't be evil." And now, neither can Google -- not with a straight face, at least.
This move sounds especially evil because Android is supposed to be an "open" mobile platform for handset makers, with an open ecosystem -- one that theoretically lets handset makers and application developers control their own destinies. But it turns out "open" is only "open" in Google's world if it furthers Google's aims.