Der Telegraph hat in einem lesenswerten Artikel 10 Wege aufgezählt, wie der sinnvolle Einsatz von Datenansammlungen im Netz unser Leben verändern kann.
Für den Bereich Shopping schreibt der Telegraph über Datamining außerhalb des Webs:
Supermarkets have always kept track of how people shop, but in the last few years the extent to which retailers collect data has rocketed. Tesco owns a majority stake in Dunnhumby Ltd, which carries out data mining and analysis for large group of retailers including Coca-Cola, BT, Mars, Vodafone and other leading brands. Dunnhumby operates the Tesco Clubcard scheme: using data collected from the scheme, Tesco can predict when people will shop, how they’ll pay for their items and even how many calories they will consume.
Einen spannenden datengetriebenen Ansatz im E-Commerce verfolgt… Weiterlesen