Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Seth’s Blog: The flip side You can't have success unless you're prepared to have failure.
As soon as you say, "failure is not an option," you've just said, "innovation is not an option."
- Apparently Veoh Isn’t Dead Enough For Universal Music; Asks For Rehearing Of Its Bogus Copyright Lawsuit "Basically, UMG wants to pretend that the DMCA requires certain actions that it clearly does not. Every judge so far has told UMG this, but it won't give up. And, more importantly, it won't give up even though Veoh is long since dead. Considering that UMG and the rest of the legacy recording business keep complaining that they're not making any money any more, the fact that they're choosing to keep suing a company they already killed years ago really says something, doesn't it?
The truth is that UMG is continuing the lawsuit for one reason: because it's hoping and praying that some court will magically believe UMG's made up interpretation of copyright law. If that happens, it will make it much easier for UMG to kill other legit sites that it doesn't like. It will also allow UMG to pretend that Veoh was a "rogue" site that needed to be killed, rather than a successful legitimate business that was killed via a bogus lawsuit." - Oil paint, keyboard, opera, pen… ""A few decades from now there will be ten billion people on the planet, and sophisticated computers will be cheaper than transistor radios," writes science fiction writer David Brin in his manifesto The Transparent Society. "If this combination does not lead to war and chaos, then it will surely result in a world where countless men and women swarm the dataways in search of something special to do–some pursuit outside the normal range, to make each one feel just a little bit extraordinary. Through the internet, we may be seeing the start of a great exploration aimed outward in every conceivable direction of interest or curiosity. An expedition to the limits of what we are, and what we might become.""
- Netflix deal with Warner Bros. includes delay in queues – Marco.org "If I’m adding a movie to my Netflix queue, I’ve already decided not to buy the DVD. I’m adding it because it looks mildly interesting and I’d like to watch it sometime. If I can’t add it to Netflix, I’ll just forget about it and probably never see it."
- → Why are software development task estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3?
- Power Search Without Google « Macdrifter
- MyTaxi-Investition: Taxiverband “schäumt vor Enttäuschung und Wut” | Basic Thinking "Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Zetsche,
gleich vorweg, um evtl. Ausfälle in den nachfolgenden Passagen erklären zu können: Wir schäumen vor Enttäuschung und Wut!"
- heise online | Megaupload: Der wohlkalkulierte Dominoeffekt " Als Argument für eine Ausweitung der Urheberrechte durch Gesetzesentwürfe wie SOPA und PIPA sowie internationale Abkommen wie ACTA dürfte der Sharehoster allerdings nicht taugen – der internationale Zugriff der Ermittlungsbehörden erfolgte ja auf Basis der bereits bestehenden Rechtslage."
- Little Big Details "Mixcloud – The favicon indicates whether the music is playing or paused."
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