Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Etsy steigert Handelsvolumen 2011 auf $538 Mio. (+71%) "Etsy hat 2011 erstmals die halbe Milliarde geknackt und die Händlerumsätze um 71% gesteigert -von $314 Mio. (2010) auf $538 Mio. (2011). Alleine im Dezember stieg das Handelsvolumen von 41 auf 70 Mio. Dollar (+70%)"
- And then, suddenly, it works "Most of the time, important new ideas don’t succeed on the first attempt or even the first ten attempts. But then they do, and it seems to happen suddenly. It’s hard to tell why this is. It’s probably a combination of timing (riding some fundamental shift in technology or culture), and execution (getting the product just right)."
- I’m So, So Sorry. Here’s My Belly. Now Please Move On. "The truth is that startups are always in a hurry and always make mistakes. A good CEO knows that she must remain nimble and prepared to deal with the fallout of those rushed decisions. And the mob has taught those nimble CEOs that a nuanced discussion is not what the mob wants to hear. They want to see that belly. So the belly is shown."
- Promarkt und die Scherben seiner (Online-)Strategie "Inzwischen schicken sich nicht nur Redcoon, sondern auch andere Onliner an, Promarkt beim Gesamtumsatz zu überholen, der zuletzt bei 550 Mio. Euro (2010) gelegen hat. "
- RIAA still raging against Google, Wikipedia for "misuse of power" in SOPA battle "Imagine that you have a friend who wants to clean the public golf course of chipmunks by dumping rat poison by the bucketful from helicopters. You think this is a… misguided idea. But the friend has the ear of the town council and convinces one member to introduce a bill mandating mass quantities of arsenic to be dumped on the golf course. You show up to a hearing and suggest the poison could cause other problems. The friend then goes to a local newspaper and for months trashes your good name, suggesting that you are a dishonest scumbag who furthermore likes the golf course chipmunks and probably profits from them by selling them to research labs by the minivan load. For what it's worth, the friend suggests that you also support killing the town's seniors with tainted heart medication imported from abroad. When the town rises up to reject the rat poison bill and suggests that, perhaps, some less barmy idea might work, your friend then repeats all his old allegations while throwing in new ones about "abuse of power." But when defeat is clear, your friend calls you up on Saturday afternoon and expresses his thanks that you agree the golf course has a chipmunk problem. He hopes you can both sit down and work out a rational compromise—though not one that starts from your own idea, which was simply to employ a full-time golf course cat."
- Ein arroganter, übergewichtiger und reicher Deutscher vor einer konservativen Jury aus Virginia? | Telepolis "Das gesamte Verfahren wird von der Staatsanwaltschaft und dem FBI bereits jetzt als Erfolg gefeiert. Solch einen eindeutigen und sogar einfachen Fall hatten auch die Verbände und Lobbygruppen noch nicht gehabt. Es ist fast so, als wären sie dankbar für das, was Kimble für sie getan hat. Ein besseres Exempel lässt sich kaum noch statuieren, eine bessere Erfolgsgeschichte für die US-Justiz und die Industrie kann es eigentlich kaum noch geben. So jemanden wie Kimble bekommt man nun einmal nicht alle Tage."
- Ingenuity Lab
- AVM macht alles richtig
- Seth’s Blog: The sad irony of selfishness "The connection economy multiplies the value of what is contributed to it. It's based on abundance, not scarcity, and those that opt out, fall behind. Sharing your money, your ideas, your insights, your confidence… all of these things return to you. Perhaps not in the way you expected, and certainly not with a guarantee, but again and again the miser falls behind."
- law blog» Archiv » Kino.to: Drohen tausende Durchsuchungen? "Es ist nämlich noch keineswegs ausgemacht, dass sich auch die Nutzer von kino.to strafbar gemacht haben. Es ist nach wie vor höchst umstritten, ob es sich beim Anschauen eines Streams, etwa eines aktuellen Kinofilms, im Internet überhaupt um eine Urheberrechtsverletzung handeln kann. Das Urheberrechtsgesetz verlangt nämlich eine Vervielfältigung des ursprünglichen Films."
Die Verfolgung zahlender Kunden würde mir unverhältnismäßig vorkommen. - Anti-ACTA-Demo in Berlin (UPDATE) – Nerdcore "Die Polizei spricht von 2000 Teilnehmern, die Veranstalter von 10.000, also sind 5000 eine realistische Einschätzung. Für einen Protest gegen ein Handelsabkommen zum geistigen Eigentum ist das Wahnsinn. In München sollen nach Polizeiangaben 16.000 Leute auf der Straße gewesen sein, in Köln 2000."
- 24 Hours » The Kickstarter Blog — Kickstarter Kickstarter über den Tag, an dem die ersten zwei Projekte 1 Mio. US-Dollar einsammelten.
- parislemon • To Catch A Hypocrite "Why would VEVO pirate content? Because it was easier than getting it legally. This is the actual root cause of piracy online. It’s not shady, masked individuals at swanky events commandeering computers to pirate for the hell of it. It’s VEVO employees. It’s everyone."
- All or something – (37signals) "Most people will look at that and say that’s not me. I don’t have 110% to give. I have a family, I have a mortgage, I have other interests. Where’s my place in the startup world if all I have to give is 60%? What can putting in part-time give?
The good news is much more than you think. The marginal value of the last hour put into a business idea is usually much less than the first. The world is full of ideas that can be executed with 10 to 20 hours per week, let alone 40. The number of projects that are truly impossible unless you put in 80 or 120 hours per week are vanishingly small by comparison." - Daring Fireball Linked List: Google Wants 2.25 Percent Royalty for Every iPhone Sold "Apple can be a dick about patents. Microsoft can be a dick about patents. But of the three, only Google is a hypocrite about patents — against their use as a competitive weapon only until they have their own to use."
- Facebook Starts Turning Listen, Read, and Watch Stories Into Ads | TechCrunch "Now, a band could sponsor listens of their songs, and TV studios could sponsor watches of their episodes on Hulu or Netflix. Catering to a wider range of advertisers, anyone featured in a news article could pay to expose a link to it to the friends of those who’ve already read it. These action Sponsored Story ads complement Open Graph activity ad targeting that lets advertisers reach users who’ve taken a selected action with traditional ads."
- Say what? Google is going to do hardware? LOL! — Tech News and Analysis Google und Hardware. Ich wünschte, es würde großartig. Aber ich befürchte, dass Google einfach nicht weiß, was es macht.
"Amazing, to see one of smartest companies show such lack of discipline and self awareness. Amazing!" - WikiData – Announcing Wikipedia’s Next Big Thing | Data Liberate "The beginnings of an interesting project from WikiMedia that could radically influence the data landscape – well woth watching as it progresses."
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