Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- If Publishers Can’t Cover Their Costs With $10 Ebooks, Then They Deserve To Go Out Of Business "If you start from the overall pricing, including overhead and other fixed costs, then you're not basing the price on what the consumer values — and, more importantly, you're taking away your own incentives to become more efficient and decrease costs. Instead, you're just "baking them in." But the most important reason not to base pricing on overhead costs is that your competitors won't do that, and they'll under cut your price and then you're in serious trouble."
- Klout Launches Brand Pages To Help Companies Engage Influencers
- Sony to launch Nasne, a networked recorder and media storage device
- Twitter’s Revolutionary Agreement Lets Original Inventors Stop Patent Trolls super: "As Twitter notes, this is "a significant departure" from how just about every other company handles patent assignments. Along those lines, it's planning to evangelize this idea to other tech firms as well — and I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of others jump on board. The basic idea makes a lot of sense. Twitter has also posted the full agreement to Github and put it under a Creative Commons license. The method by which this works is pretty creative. Basically, if the actual patent holder tries to use the patent offensively without first obtaining the permission of the inventor, the agreement allows the inventor to issue a license to the entity being sued"
- What Doesn’t the Valley Understand About Washington? "- When the Valley does engage, it’s too lightly, and too predictably. Larger Valley companies get an office on K Street (where the lobbyists live) and hire an ex-Congressperson to lobby on that company’s core issues. But “that’s not where the magic is,” one source told me. The real magic is for companies to use their own platforms to engage with their customers in authentic conversations that get the attention of lawmakers. This happened – albeit very late – with SOPA/PIPA, and it got everyone’s attention in Washington. Imagine if this was an ongoing conversation, and not a one-off “Chicken Little” scenario? Counter to what many believe about Washington, where money and lobbying connections are presumed to always win the day, “Fact-based arguments matter, a lot,” one senior policymaker told me. “Fact-based debates occur here, every day. If you take yourself out of that conversation, it’s like going into litigation without a lawyer.” Internet companies are uniquely positioned to change the approach to how lawmakers “hear” their constituents, but have done very little to actually leverage that fact."
- Amazon verkauft nun Spiele und Anwendungen per Download
- nu3 heißt der erste große Wurf von Project A Ventures
- Tumblr Firehose Now Available Exclusively from Gnip « Gnip Blog "It doesn’t take a large leap to see the impact this type of information can have on brand management and product development. The conversations on Tumblr are rich in images and discussion about brands and products, from simply sharing a picture about a favorite pair of shoes to reblogging news about favorite brand. And given the highly social nature of the Tumblr community, these discussions move quickly and broadly through the community. You often see posts that are shared tens of thousands of times. For brands, every conversation matters and access to the full firehose ensures they won’t miss a thing."
- heise online | "Geleakter" Gesetzentwurf: Maßnahmen gegen Abmahnmissbrauch "Der Text des Entwurfs sieht verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung unseriöser Geschäftspraktiken im Zusammenhang mit dem Internet vor. So sollen die Streitwerte für Fälle, bei denen es um die Verletzung von Urheberrechten durch das Kopieren fremder Inhalte geht, erheblich sinken. Das würde zur Folge haben, dass die anfallenden Anwaltskosten und Erstattungen deutlich niedriger ausfallen als bisher. Wenn sich eine kostenpflichtige Abmahnung künftig als unberechtigt erweist, soll der zu Unrecht Abgemahnte die Kosten für den von ihm selbst eingeschalteten Rechtsanwalt zurückerstattet bekommen."
- Politwoops – All deleted tweets from politicians Speichert gelöschte Tweets von Politikern. Ye shall not forget.
- Sozialer Musikkonsum
- Newvem pulls back the curtain on Amazon cloud usage — Cloud Computing News
- Why the Huffington Post doesn’t equivocate on issues like global warming » Nieman Journalism Lab "“Where truth is ascertainable, we consider it our responsibility to make it very clear and not to — in the guise of some kind of fake objectivity, the media often pretend that every issue has two sides and that both sides deserve equal weight,” Huffington said. “That’s not the case, and that’s not our editorial stand.”"
- IKEA UPPLEVA – YouTube Ikea steigt in's Homeentertainment-Geschäft ein.
- Komplexe Medienproduktionen | nikolaus piccolotto
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