Peter Kafka analysiert die Strategie von Boxee und der Boxee Box:
Boxee’s real plan is both clear and a bit undefined: It wants to get its software on as many devices as possible–not just the Boxee Box but everything from Sony’s TVs to Microsoft’s Xbox 360s to Samsung’s Blu-ray players. And then it wants to build some kind of business based on advertising, consumer payments or both.
Boxee competitor Roku is all about selling the Roku box. Boxee is all about getting its software in between video owners/distributors and video viewers, just like Google TV wants to do. The Boxee Box is important because, if it works, it will help Boxee convince other hardware companies that they need its software, too.
Video: Boxee Explains Its Web TV Strategy | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD.
Boxee konkurriert im Web-TV-Plattform-Markt mit Google TV und Apple TV.… Weiterlesen